Kahla is a classmate of mine..shes also into photography..very photographic girl and so much fun! I think the hat was a nice touch..a prop susan brought in for us to use.
A project one week was the interior of someones house..I thought my parents neighbor has a really neat house that tells a story..so I decided to do her house. This is just one shot..I'll be adding more soon! This is the really beautiful kitchen..
I graduated with Ashley and she was willing to help me out with a project one day while there were still a few pretty leaves around. Ashleys great, shes so full of energy and she always kept me on my toes..doing lots of poses without even having to be instructed! We had some fun! Thanks Ash!
My lovely friend sarah was willing to help me out with a photoshoot..while driving around looking for places to photograph we came across from awsome crates..they made for some interesting (Americas Next Top Model Type) photos..we had fun. take a look!